Jacob Pontoppidan Thyssen

Jacob Pontoppidan Thyssen

Professor emeritus

Medlem af:

  • Dermato-venerologi

  1. 2020
  2. Udgivet

    Efficacy and Safety of Abrocitinib in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial

    Silverberg, J. I., Simpson, E. L., Thyssen, Jacob Pontoppidan, Gooderham, M., Chan, G., Feeney, C., Biswas, P., Valdez, H., Dibonaventura, M., Nduaka, C. & Rojo, R., 2020, I: JAMA Dermatology. 156, 8, s. 863-873

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  3. Udgivet

    Efficacy and Safety of Baricitinib Combined With Topical Corticosteroids for Treatment of Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial

    Reich, K., Kabashima, K., Peris, K., Silverberg, J. I., Eichenfield, L. F., Bieber, T., Kaszuba, A., Kolodsick, J., Yang, F. E., Gamalo, M., Brinker, D. R., Delozier, A. M., Janes, J. M., Nunes, F. P., Thyssen, Jacob Pontoppidan & Simpson, E. L., 2020, I: JAMA Dermatology. 156, 12, s. 1333-1343

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  4. Udgivet

    Filaggrin Expression and Processing Deficiencies Impair Corneocyte Surface Texture and Stiffness in Mice

    Thyssen, J. P., Jakasa, I., Riethmüller, C., Schön, M. P., Braun, A., Haftek, M., Fallon, P. G., Wróblewski, J., Jakubowski, H., Eckhart, L., Declercq, W., Koppes, S., Engebretsen, K. A., Bonefeld, C., Irvine, A. D., Keita-Alassane, S., Simon, M., Kawasaki, H., Kubo, A., Amagai, M. & 2 flere, Matsui, T. & Kezic, S., 2020, I: Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 140, 3, s. 615-623 9 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Global Prevalence and Bidirectional Association Between Psoriasis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease-A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

    Alinaghi, F., Tekin, H. G., Burisch, J., Wu, J. J., Thyssen, Jacob Pontoppidan & Egeberg, A., 2020, I: Journal of Crohn's and Colitis. 14, 3, s. 351-360 10 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    High incidence of hand eczema in Danish schoolchildren following intensive hand hygiene during the COVID-19 pandemic: a nationwide questionnaire study

    Simonsen, Anne Birgitte Nørremark, Ruge, I. F., Quaade, A. S., Johansen, Jeanne Duus, Thyssen, Jacob Pontoppidan & Zachariae, Claus, 2020, I: British Journal of Dermatology. 183, 5, s. 975-976 2 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    How does parental history of atopic disease predict the risk of atopic dermatitis in a child? A systematic review and meta-analysis

    Ravn, N. H., Halling, A., Berkowitz, A. G., Rinnov, M. R., Silverberg, J. I., Egeberg, A. & Thyssen, Jacob Pontoppidan, 2020, I: Journal for Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 145, 4, s. 1182-1193

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  8. Udgivet

    Impact of Atopic Dermatitis Lesion Location on Quality of Life in Adult Patients in a Real-world Study

    Lio, P. A., Wollenberg, A., Thyssen, Jacob Pontoppidan, Pierce, E. J., Rueda, M. J., DeLozier, A. M., Ross Terres, J. A., Anderson, P., Milligan, G., Piercy, J., Silverberg, J. I. & Paul, C., 2020, I: Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 19, 10, s. 943-948 6 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Interaction between filaggrin mutations and neonatal cat exposure in atopic dermatitis

    Thyssen, J. P., Ahluwalia, T. S., Paternoster, L., Ballardini, N., Bergström, A., Melén, E., Chawes, B. L., Stokholm, J., Hourihane, J. O. B., O'Sullivan, D. M., Bager, P., Melbye, M., Bustamante, M., Torrent, M., Esplugues, A., Duijts, L., Hu, C., Elbert, N. J., Pasmans, S. G. M. A., Nijsten, T. E. C. & 16 flere, von Berg, A., Standl, M., Schikowski, T., Herberth, G., Heinrich, J., Lee, Y. A., Marenholz, I., Lau, S., Curtin, J. A., Simpson, A., Custovic, A., Pennell, C. E., Wang, C. A., Holt, P. G., Bisgaard, H. & Bønnelykke, Klaus, 2020, I: Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 75, 6, s. 1481-1485

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  10. Udgivet

    Management of ocular manifestations of atopic dermatitis: A consensus meeting using a modified delphi process

    Thyssen, Jacob Pontoppidan, Heegaard, Steffen, Ivert, L., Remitz, A., Agner, Tove, DE BRUIN-WELLER, M., Huldt-Nystrøm, T., Korhonen, L., Ivert, L. U., Leinonen, P., Mandelin, J., Särnhult, T., Schopf, T., Sundlisæter, E., Thomsen, Simon Francis, Tzellos, T., Vestergaard, C., VON KOBYLETZKI, L. & Bradley, M., 2020, I: Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 100, 16, s. 1-6 6 s., adv00264.

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  11. Udgivet

    Metals in used and unused metalworking fluids: X-ray fluorescence spectrometry as a screening test

    Alinaghi, F., Hedberg, Y. S., Zachariae, Claus, Thyssen, Jacob Pontoppidan & Johansen, Jeanne Duus, 2020, I: Contact Dermatitis. 83, 2, s. 83-87 5 s.

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ID: 33972183