Michael Whyte

Michael Whyte

Lektor emeritus

  1. 2006
  2. Udgivet

    We are not eating our own food here: Food security and the cash economy in Eastern Uganda

    Whyte, Michael & Kyaddondo, D., 2006, I: Land Degradation & Development. 17, 2, s. 173-182

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  3. 2005
  4. Udgivet

    Beyond territory and scarcity: Exploring conflicts over natural resource management

    Gausset, Quentin (red.), Whyte, Michael (red.) & Birch-Thomsen, Torben (red.), 2005, Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. 218 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Diskretion: Gesundheitspersonal in der Zwickmühle

    Whyte, Susan Reynolds, Whyte, Michael & Kyaddondo, D., 2005, I: Ueberblick. 2, s. 37-40

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  6. Udgivet


    Gausset, Quentin & Whyte, Michael, 2005, Beyond territory and scarcity: Exploring conflicts over natural resource management. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, s. 7-26

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  7. 2004
  8. Udgivet

    Children's children: Time and relatedness in East Uganda

    Whyte, Susan Reynolds & Whyte, Michael, 2004, I: Africa. 74, 1, s. 76-94

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  9. Udgivet

    Comment on Mikael Karlström. Modernity and its aspirants: Moral community and developmental eutopianism in Buganda

    Whyte, Susan Reynolds & Whyte, Michael, 2004, I: Current Anthropology. 45, 5, s. 613-614

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  10. Udgivet

    Treating AIDS: Dilemmas of unequal access in Uganda

    Whyte, Susan Reynolds, Whyte, Michael, Meinert, L. & Kyaddondo, B., 2004, I: SAHARA-J: Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS. 1, 1, s. 14-26

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  11. 2003
  12. Udgivet

    Faces of golbalization: AIDS and ARV medicine in Uganda

    Meinert, L., Whyte, Michael, Whyte, Susan Reynolds & Kyaddondo, B., 2003, I: Folk. 45, s. 105-123

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  13. 2002
  14. Udgivet

    Poultry studies and anthropological research strategies

    Whyte, Michael, 2002, Charcteristics and Parameters of Family Poultry Production in Africa. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency, s. 187-193

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  15. 2000
  16. Udgivet


    Whyte, Michael & Sørensen, P., 2000, Money is the True Friend: Economic practice, morality and trust among the Iganga maize traders in Uganda / Pernille Sørensen. Münster: LIT Verlag, s. xi-xiv (Anthropology and Development, Bind 4).

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