Michael Broberg Palmgren

Michael Broberg Palmgren


  1. 2011
  2. Udgivet

    Phosphorylation of SOS3-like calcium-binding proteins by their interacting SOS2-like protein kinases is a common regulatory mechanism in arabidopsis

    Du, W., Lin, H., Chen, S., Wu, Y., Zhang, J., Fuglsang, Anja Thoe, Palmgren, Michael, Wu, W. & Guo, Y., 2011, I: Plant Physiology. 156, 4, s. 2235-2243 9 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Plasma membrane ATPases

    Palmgren, Michael, Bækgaard, L., Lopez Marques, Rosa Laura & Fuglsang, Anja Thoe, 2011, The plant plasma membrane. Murphy, A. S., Schulz, B. & Peer, W. (red.). Springer, s. 177-192 16 s. (Plant Cell Monographs, Bind 19).

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  4. Udgivet

    Plasma membrane Ca2+ transporters mediate virus-induced acquired resistance to oxidative stress

    Shabala, S., Bækgaard, L., Shabala, L., Fuglsang, Anja Thoe, Babourina, O., Palmgren, Michael, Cuin, T. A., Rengel, Z. & Nemchinov, L. G., 2011, I: Plant, Cell and Environment. 34, 3, s. 406-417 12 s.

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  5. Udgivet

    Type IV (P4) and V (P5) P-ATPases in lipid translocation and membrane trafficking

    Lopez Marques, Rosa Laura, Sørensen, D. M. & Palmgren, Michael, 2011, Transporters and pumps in plant signaling. Geisler, M. & Venema, K. (red.). Springer, s. 313-326 14 s. (Signaling and comminication in plants, Bind 7).

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

  6. 2010
  7. Udgivet

    A combined zinc/cadmium sensor and zinc/cadmium export regulator in a heavy metal pump

    Bækgaard, L., Mikkelsen, M. D., Sørensen, D. M., Hegelund, J. N., Persson, Daniel Pergament, Mills, R. F., Yang, Zhang, Husted, Søren, Andersen, J. P., Buch-Pedersen, M. J., Schjoerring, Jan K., Williams, L. E. & Palmgren, Michael, 2010, I: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285, 41, s. 31243-31252 10 s.

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  8. Udgivet

    A novel mechanism of P-type ATPase autoinhibition involving both termini of the protein

    Ekberg, K., Palmgren, Michael, Veierskov, Bjarke & Buch-Pedersen, M. J., 2010, I: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285, 10, s. 7344-7350 7 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of calmodulin in complex with the regulatory domain of the plasma-membrane Ca2+-ATPase ACA8

    Tidow, H., Hein, K. L., Palmgren, Michael & Nissen, P., 2010, I: Acta Crystallographica. Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications Online. 66, s. 361-363 3 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Intracellular targeting signals and lipid specificity determinants of the ALA/ALIS P4-ATPase complex reside in the catalytic ALA a-subunit

    Lopez Marques, Rosa Laura, Poulsen, L. R., Hanisch, S., Meffert, K., Buch-Pedersen, M. J., Jakobsen, M. K., Pomorski, Thomas Guenther & Palmgren, Michael, 2010, I: Molecular Biology of the Cell. 21, 5, s. 791-801 11 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Novel secretory pathway pumps

    Poulsen, L. R., Lopez Marques, Rosa Laura, Sørensen, D. M., Pomorski, Thomas Guenther, Buch Pedersen, M. & Palmgren, Michael, 2010, I: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics. 1797, Suppl., s. 42 1 s.

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  12. Udgivet

    Structural divergence between the two subgroups of P5 ATPases

    Sørensen, D. M., Buch-Pedersen, M. J. & Palmgren, Michael, 2010, I: BBA General Subjects. 1797, 6-7, s. 846-855 10 s.

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