Michael Whyte

Michael Whyte

Lektor emeritus

  1. 2023
  2. Udgivet


    Adol, B., Whyte, Michael & Whyte, Susan Reynolds, 2023, This Land is Not For Sale: Trust and Transitions in Northern Uganda. Meinert, L. & Whyte, S. R. (red.). Berghahn Books, s. 138-154 (Integration and Conflict, Bind 27).

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  3. Udgivet


    Langole, S., Whyte, Susan Reynolds & Whyte, Michael, 2023, This Land is Not For Sale: Trust and Transitions in Northern Uganda. Meinert, L. & Whyte, S. R. (red.). Berghahn Books, s. 39-56 (Integration and Conflict, Bind 27).

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  4. Udgivet


    Langole, S., Whyte, Susan Reynolds & Whyte, Michael, 2023, This Land Is Not For Sale: Trust and Transitions in Northern Uganda. Meinert, L. & Whyte, S. R. (red.). New York: Berghahn Books, s. 39-56 18 s.

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  5. 2018
  6. Udgivet

    Contested claims to gardens and land: gendered practice in post-war northern Uganda

    Obika, J., Adol, B. O., Babiiha, S. M. & Whyte, Michael, 2018, Contested Property Claims: What Disagreement Tells Us About Ownership. Bruun, M. H., Cockburn, P. J. L., Risager, B. S. & Thorup, M. (red.). Oxford & New York: Routledge, s. 205-220 15 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Technologies of inquiry: HIV tests and divination

    Whyte, Susan Reynolds, Whyte, Michael & Kyaddondo, D., 2018, I: HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory. 8, 1-2, s. 97-108

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  8. 2016
  9. Udgivet

    Episodic Fieldwork, Updating, and Sociability

    Whyte, Michael, 2016, Time and the field. Dalsgaard, S. & Nielsen, M. (red.). London, New York: Berghahn Books

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  10. 2015
  11. Udgivet

    Dilemmas of knowledge production in Ugandan universities

    Whyte, Michael & Whyte, Susan Reynolds, 9 nov. 2015, Higher Education and Capacity Building in Africa: The Geography of Power and Knowledge. Adriansen, H. K., Madsen, L. M. & Jensen, S. (red.). Routledge

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  12. 2014
  13. Udgivet


    Whyte, Michael & Whyte, Susan Reynolds, 2014, Second Chances: Surviving AIDS in Uganda. Whyte, S. R. (red.). Durham: Duke University Press, s. 200-214 15 s.

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  14. 2013
  15. Udgivet

    Episodic fieldwork, updating, and sociability

    Whyte, Michael, 1 jan. 2013, I: Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology. 57, 1, s. 110-121 12 s.

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  16. Udgivet

    The context for RIPAT: taking regional history and development policy into account in the interpretation of project processes and success

    Gausset, Quentin, Jöhncke, S., Pedersen, E. K. & Whyte, Michael, 2013, Farmers' Choice: Evaluating an approach to agricultural technology adoption in Tanzania. Bie Lilleør, H. & Lund-Sørensen, U. (red.). London: Practical Action Publishing, s. 35-45 11 s.

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