Within-Mice Comparison of Microdialysis and Fiber Photometry-Recorded Dopamine Biosensor during Amphetamine Response

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A fundamental concept in neuroscience is the transmission of information between neurons via neurotransmitters, -modulators, and -peptides. For the past decades, the gold standard for measuring neurochemicals in awake animals has been microdialysis (MD). The emergence of genetically encoded fluorescencebased biosensors, as well as in vivo optical techniques such as fiber photometry (FP), has introduced technologically distinct means of measuring neurotransmission. To directly compare MD and FP, we performed concurrent within-animal recordings of extracellular dopamine (DA) in the dorsal striatum (DS) before and after administration of amphetamine in awake, freely behaving mice expressing the dopamine sensor dLight1.3b. We show that despite temporal differences, MD- and FP-based readouts of DA correlate well within mice. Down-sampling of FP data showed temporal correlation to MD data, with less variance observed using FP. We also present evidence that DA fluctuations periodically reach low levels, and naï ve animals have rapid, predrug DA dynamics measured with FP that correlate to the subsequent pharmacodynamics of amphetamine as measured with MD and FP.
TidsskriftACS Chemical Neuroscience
Udgave nummer9
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2023

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The work was supported by the Lundbeck Foundation Grants R266-2017-4331 (U.G.), R276-2018-792 (U.G.), R230-2016-3154 (M.D.L.) and Independent Research Fund Denmark─Medical Sciences Grant 7016-00325B (U.G.).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society

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