Targeting host O-linked glycan biosynthesis affects Ebola virus replication efficiency and reveals differential GalNAc-T acceptor site preferences on the Ebola virus glycoprotein

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Ebola virus glycoprotein (EBOV GP) is one of the most heavily O-glycosylated viral glycoproteins, yet we still lack a fundamental understanding of the structure of its large O-glycosylated mucin-like domain and to what degree the host O-glycosylation capacity influences EBOV replication. Using tandem mass spectrometry, we identified 47 O-glycosites on EBOV GP and found similar glycosylation signatures on virus-like particle- and cell lysate-derived GP. Furthermore, we performed quantitative differential O-glycoproteomics on proteins produced in wild-type HEK293 cells and cell lines ablated for the three key initiators of O-linked glycosylation, GalNAc-T1, -T2, and -T3. The data show that 12 out of the 47 O-glycosylated sites were regulated, predominantly by GalNAc-T1. Using the glycoengineered cell lines for authentic EBOV propagation, we demonstrate the importance of O-linked glycan initiation and elongation for the production of viral particles and the titers of progeny virus. The mapped O-glycan positions and structures allowed to generate molecular dynamics simulations probing the largely unknown spatial arrangements of the mucin-like domain. The data highlight targeting GALNT1 or C1GALT1C1 as a possible way to modulate O-glycan density on EBOV GP for novel vaccine designs and tailored intervention approaches.
TidsskriftJournal of Virology
Udgave nummer6
Antal sider28
StatusUdgivet - 2024

ID: 393502393