Maternally Derived Microduplications at 15q11-q13: Implication of Imprinted Genes in Psychotic Illness

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  • Andrés Ingason
  • George Kirov
  • Ina Giegling
  • Hansen, Thomas Folkmann
  • Anthony R Isles
  • Klaus D Jakobsen
  • Kari T Kristinsson
  • Louise le Roux
  • Omar Gustafsson
  • Nick Craddock
  • Hans-Jürgen Möller
  • Andrew McQuillin
  • Pierandrea Muglia
  • Sven Cichon
  • Marcella Rietschel
  • Roel A Ophoff
  • Srdjan Djurovic
  • Ole A Andreassen
  • Olli P H Pietiläinen
  • Leena Peltonen
  • Emma Dempster
  • David A Collier
  • David St Clair
  • Rasmussen, Henrik Berg
  • Glenthøj, Birte Yding
  • Lambertus A Kiemeney
  • Barbara Franke
  • Sarah Tosato
  • Chiara Bonetto
  • Evald Saemundsen
  • Stefán J Hreidarsson
  • Markus M Nöthen
  • Hugh Gurling
  • Michael C O'Donovan
  • Michael J Owen
  • Engilbert Sigurdsson
  • Hannes Petursson
  • Hreinn Stefansson
  • Dan Rujescu
  • Kari Stefansson
  • Werge, Thomas
  • GROUP Investigators
Objective: Rare copy number variants have been implicated in different neurodevelopmental disorders, with the same copy number variants often increasing risk of more than one of these phenotypes. In a discovery sample of 22 schizophrenia patients with an early onset of illness (10—15 years of age), the authors observed in one patient a maternally derived 15q11-q13 duplication overlapping the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome critical region. This prompted investigation of the role of 15q11-q13 duplications in psychotic illness.

Method: The authors scanned 7,582 patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder and 41,370 comparison subjects without known psychiatric illness for copy number variants at 15q11-q13 and determined the parental origin of duplications using methylation-sensitive Southern hybridization analysis.

Results: Duplications were found in four case patients and five comparison subjects. All four case patients had maternally derived duplications (0.05%), while only three of the five comparison duplications were maternally derived (0.007%), resulting in a significant excess of maternally derived duplications in case patients (odds ratio=7.3). This excess is compatible with earlier observations that risk for psychosis in people with Prader-Willi syndrome caused by maternal uniparental disomy is much higher than in those caused by deletion of the paternal chromosome.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that the presence of two maternal copies of a fragment of chromosome 15q11.2-q13.1 that overlaps with the Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome critical region may be a rare risk factor for schizophrenia and other psychoses. Given that maternal duplications of this region are among the most consistent cytogenetic observations in autism, the findings provide further support for a shared genetic etiology between autism and psychosis.

TidsskriftAmerican Journal of Psychiatry
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)408-417
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 1 apr. 2011

ID: 34046124