Clinical application of 'Sophia Observation withdrawal Symptoms-Paediatric Delirium' screening tool in Danish version: A feasibility study

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Aims and objectives The aims of the present study were investigating the feasibility of: (1) using the Danish version of Sophia Observation withdrawal Symptoms-Paediatric Delirium (SOS-PD) screening tool in clinical practice and (2) comparing SOS-PD performance to a child psychiatrist's assessment using the diagnostic criteria as a reference standard. Background Critically ill children risk developing delirium potentially causing discomfort and suffering. Intensive care delirium has a fluctuating course complicating detection. Systematic screening during and after intensive care is central to manage paediatric delirium. Design and methods We used a descriptive and comparative design. First aim: Bedside nurses were asked to evaluate their experience of using the SOS-PD. Second aim: We compared the SOS-PD performance with the child psychiatrist assessment in 50 children aged 4 weeks to 18 years. Results Nurses found the Danish version of the SOS-PD applicable and easy to use. Of the 50 children included, 13 were diagnosed with delirium by the child psychiatrist. Consistency was found between the SOS-PD score and the child psychiatrist's assessment (88%). We found three false-negative and three false-positive SOS-PD cases. The false-negative cases could be explained by the differences in time periods for the assessments. SOS-PD assessments covered the past 4 h, whereas the psychiatric assessments covered the past 24 h. We assume the false-positive cases represent an acceptable inconsistency between the two assessment methods. Conclusions The Danish version of the SOS-PD appeared suitable for identifying paediatric delirium. Our results emphasised the importance of assessment at least once during each nursing shift to ensure delirium detection around the clock due to the fluctuating course of delirium. Relevance to clinical practice Implementing the Danish SOS-PD may increase awareness of this critical disorder by improving systematic identification of paediatric delirium in clinical practice paving the way for improved delirium prevention and management.

TidsskriftScandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)1027-1036
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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