An update of human mesenchymal stem cell biology and their clinical uses

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In the past decade, an increasing urge to develop new and novel methods for the treatment of degenerative diseases where there is currently no effective therapy has lead to the emerging of the cell therapy or cellular therapeutics approach for the management of those conditions where organ functions are restored through transplantation of healthy and functional cells. Stem cells, because of their nature, are currently considered among the most suitable cell types for cell therapy. There are an increasing number of studies that have tested the stromal stem cell functionality both in vitro and in vivo. Consequently, stromal (mesenchymal) stem cells (MSCs) are being introduced into many clinical trials due to their ease of isolation and efficacy in treating a number of disease conditions in animal preclinical disease models. The aim of this review is to revise MSC biology, their potential translation in therapy, and the challenges facing their adaptation in clinical practice.

TidsskriftArchives of Toxicology
Udgave nummer5
Sider (fra-til)1069-82
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 2014

ID: 138175452