Tuberculosis among Patients Undergoing Solid Organ Transplantation or Dialysis in a Low-Endemic Country, 2004-2017

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Background: The risk of active TB among solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients and patients initiating chronic dialysis in a country with low incidence of TB is not well elucidated.

Methods: Patients aged >18 years who were transplanted with a solid organ or initiated chronic dialysis at Copenhagen University Hospital in the period 2004-2017 were followed from date of transplantation or initiation of dialysis. Data on demographics and outcomes were obtained from nationwide registries.

Results: We included 1,989 SOT recipients and 1,305 patients initiating chronic dialysis, who were followed for a total of 9,785 and 4,196 person-years (PY), respectively. Only a minority of patients had been screened for latent TB prior to SOT or initiation of dialysis. The incidence rates (IRs)/100,000 PY of TB among patients from medium/high TB endemic areas were 358 (95% CI 115-1,110) and 1,266 (95% CI 681-2354) for SOT and dialysis patients, respectively, whereas IRs among patients of Danish origin were 11 (95% CI 2-81) and 31 (95% CI 4-218).

Conclusion: The incidence of TB among immunosuppressed immigrants from medium/high TB endemic countries was very high, while the risk of TB among patients from low-endemic countries was minimal.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7636975
JournalTuberculosis research and treatment
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2020

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ID: 260056398