Technical Note: The Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe (FASE) Map of Identified Osteological Collections

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  • Anja Petaros
  • Zuzana Caplova
  • Emeline Verna
  • Pascal Adalian
  • Eric Baccino
  • Hans H. de Boer
  • Eugenia Cunha
  • Oguzhan Ekizoglu
  • Maria Teresa Ferreira
  • Tony Fracasso
  • Elena F. Kranioti
  • Philippe Lefevre
  • Lynnerup, Niels
  • Ann Ross
  • Maryna Steyn
  • Zuzana Obertova
  • Cristina Cattaneo

Identified (documented) osteological collections represent an important resource in the development of forensic anthropology standards and methods as well as a precious tool for learning and training of practitioners. Even though the number of papers presenting identified collections worldwide increases, many of the collections have still not been divulged to the scientific community in sufficient detail to ascertain their exact number. The Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe (FASE) therefore developed a tool that goes beyond sporadic publications: the FASE Map of Identified Osteological Collections, which is freely accessible and continuously updated and revised. The online map is available at The map of skeletal collections was created in 2017 and currently displays information on 153 identified osteological collections (43 of them categorized as contemporary) located in 41 different countries. This article offers a short analysis of the type, geographical location and content of the collections included in the map. The aim of this article and the map as such is to provide a useful resource to facilitate research planning and teaching in forensic anthropology and related disciplines.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110995
JournalForensic Science International
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The authors would like to thank Caroline Polet, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium for her contribution in mapping the existing Belgian collections during the writing of the article. None reported.

    Research areas

  • Anatomical collections, Biological profile, Forensic anthropology, Identified skeletal collections, Physical anthropology

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