Rygevaner blandt 11-15 årige i 1988. Undersøgelse af rygevaner og deres sammenhaeng med sociale baggrundsfaktorer, helbred, trivsel og socialt netvaerk.

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • B E Holstein
  • H Ito
  • P Due
A total of 1,671 schoolchildren aged 11, 13 and 15 years answered an anonymous questionnaire in 1988 on their social backgrounds, social networks, health, life satisfaction and health behaviour. The proportions who had tried to smoke were 24%, 51%, and 66% in the three age groups; the proportions of smokers were 3%, 8%, and 29%, and the proportions of daily smokers were 0%, 2% and 6%. More girls than boys were smokers but there was almost no difference if place of residence, social class, or family type were considered. Almost the entire variation could be explained by best friends' smoking habits and by the number of smokers at home. Smoking was associated with poor health, fatigue, school tiredness, school performance below the average, frequent contacts with friends outside school and at night, difficulties in discussion with parents, ease in discussions with friends, and with having close friends. The proportion of smokers, among children has been steadily declining since the first Danish nationwide survey was carried out in 1959.
Udgivelsesdato: 1990-Sep-10
Translated title of the contributionSmoking habits among children aged 11-15 years in 1988. A study of smoking habits and their connection with social background factors, health, satisfaction and social networks
Original languageDanish
JournalUgeskrift for læger
Issue number37
Pages (from-to)2651-4
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 1990

Bibliographical note

Keywords: Adolescent; Adolescent Psychology; Age Factors; Child; Child Psychology; Denmark; Female; Health Status; Humans; Male; Sex Factors; Smoking; Socioeconomic Factors

ID: 6629288