Minimal information for chemosensitivity assays (MICHA): a next-generation pipeline to enable the FAIRification of drug screening experiments

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  • Ziaurrehman Tanoli
  • Jehad Aldahdooh
  • Farhan Alam
  • Yinyin Wang
  • Umair Seemab
  • Maddalena Fratelli
  • Petr Pavlis
  • Marian Hajduch
  • Florence Bietrix
  • Philip Gribbon
  • Andrea Zaliani
  • Matthew D. Hall
  • Min Shen
  • Kyle Brimacombe
  • Evgeny Kulesskiy
  • Jani Saarela
  • Wennerberg, Krister
  • Markus Vähä-Koskela
  • Jing Tang

Chemosensitivity assays are commonly used for preclinical drug discovery and clinical trial optimization. However, data from independent assays are often discordant, largely attributed to uncharacterized variation in the experimental materials and protocols. We report here the launching of Minimal Information for Chemosensitivity Assays (MICHA), accessed via Distinguished from existing efforts that are often lacking support from data integration tools, MICHA can automatically extract publicly available information to facilitate the assay annotation including: 1) compounds, 2) samples, 3) reagents and 4) data processing methods. For example, MICHA provides an integrative web server and database to obtain compound annotation including chemical structures, targets and disease indications. In addition, the annotation of cell line samples, assay protocols and literature references can be greatly eased by retrieving manually curated catalogues. Once the annotation is complete, MICHA can export a report that conforms to the FAIR principle (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) of drug screening studies. To consolidate the utility of MICHA, we provide FAIRified protocols from five major cancer drug screening studies as well as six recently conducted COVID-19 studies. With the MICHA web server and database, we envisage a wider adoption of a community-driven effort to improve the open access of drug sensitivity assays.

Original languageEnglish
JournalBriefings in Bioinformatics
Issue number1
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press.

    Research areas

  • data integration tools, drug discovery, drug sensitivity assays, FAIR research data

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ID: 291992657