Lactate biosensors for spectrally and spatially multiplexed fluorescence imaging

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  • Yusuke Nasu
  • Abhi Aggarwal
  • Giang N.T. Le
  • Camilla Trang Vo
  • Yuki Kambe
  • Xinxing Wang
  • Tina R. Ram
  • Fangying Wang
  • Kelsea A. Gorzo
  • Yuki Kamijo
  • Marc Boisvert
  • Suguru Nishinami
  • Genki Kawamura
  • Takeaki Ozawa
  • Hirofumi Toda
  • Grant R. Gordon
  • Shaoyu Ge
  • Marie Eve Paquet
  • Mikhail Drobizhev
  • Kaspar Podgorski
  • Robert E. Campbell

l-Lactate is increasingly appreciated as a key metabolite and signaling molecule in mammals. However, investigations of the inter- and intra-cellular dynamics of l-lactate are currently hampered by the limited selection and performance of l-lactate-specific genetically encoded biosensors. Here we now report a spectrally and functionally orthogonal pair of high-performance genetically encoded biosensors: a green fluorescent extracellular l-lactate biosensor, designated eLACCO2.1, and a red fluorescent intracellular l-lactate biosensor, designated R-iLACCO1. eLACCO2.1 exhibits excellent membrane localization and robust fluorescence response. To the best of our knowledge, R-iLACCO1 and its affinity variants exhibit larger fluorescence responses than any previously reported intracellular l-lactate biosensor. We demonstrate spectrally and spatially multiplexed imaging of l-lactate dynamics by coexpression of eLACCO2.1 and R-iLACCO1 in cultured cells, and in vivo imaging of extracellular and intracellular l-lactate dynamics in mice.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6598
JournalNature Communications
Issue number1
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

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© 2023, Springer Nature Limited.

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