La certification des compétences langagières des enseignantspour dispenser des cours en anglais dans l'enseignementsupérieur

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


English-medium instruction (EMI) programs are increasingly established at traditionally non-Anglophone universities as part of universities' internationalization policies and strategies. Thegrowth of EMI programs has raised concerns about the quality of instruction; so many universitieshave started implementing English certification requirements for non-native English-speakinglecturers who teach EMI courses. The policies and practices of EMI lecturer certification vary acrosshigher education institutions (HEIs). Some HEIs certify EMI lecturers through commercial or in-house EMI training courses, i.e., lecturers become certified after course completion. Locallydeveloped oral and written tests tend to be based on the CEFR scale because it allows forinternational recognition of test results. Drawing on research and experience with an institutionaltest for oral English proficiency of academic staff, this article discusses the advantages and thedisadvantages of the different policies and certification models for EMI lecturers and providesrecommendations for developing fair and sustainable certification practices.

Translated title of the contributionCertifying lecturers' Englishlanguage skills for teaching inEnglish-medium instructionprograms in higher education
Original languageFrench
Issue number79
Pages (from-to)29-47
Number of pages19
Publication statusPublished - 2021

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