Impella RP Versus Pharmacologic Vasoactive Treatment in Profound Cardiogenic Shock due to Right Ventricular Failure

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Jakob Josiassen
  • Ole K.L. Helgestad
  • Nanna L.J. Udesen
  • Ann Banke
  • Peter H. Frederiksen
  • Henrik Schmidt
  • Lisette O. Jensen
  • Hassager, Christian
  • Jacob E. Møller
  • Hanne B. Ravn

The aim was to translationally compare a pharmacologic strategy versus treatment with the Impella RP in profound RV cardiogenic shock (CS). The pigs were allocated to either vasoactive therapy with norepinephrine (0.10 μg/kg/min) for the first 30 min, supplemented by an infusion of milrinone (0.4 μg/kg/min) for additional 150 min, or treatment with the Impella RP device for 180 min. Total RV workload (Pressure-volume-area × heart rate*103(mmHg/min)) remained unaffected upon treatment with the Impella RP and increased in the vasoactive group (CS 179[147;228] to norepinephrine 268[247;306](p = 0.002 compared to Impella RP) and norepinephrine + milrinone 366[329;422] (p = 0.002 compared to Impella RP). A trend towards higher venous cerebral oxygen saturation was observed with norepinephrine than Impella RP (Impella RP 51[47;61]% vs norepinephrine 62[57;71]%; p = 0.07), which became significantly higher with the addition of milrinone (Impella RP 45[32;63]% vs norepinephrine + milrinone 73[66;81]%; p = 0.002). The Impella RP unloaded the failing RV. In contrast, vasoactive treatment led to enhanced cerebral venous oxygen saturation.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Cardiovascular Translational Research
Pages (from-to)1021–1029
Publication statusPublished - 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.

    Research areas

  • Cardiogenic shock, Hemodynamics, Impella RP, Translational science, Vasopressor, Ventricular unloading

ID: 269611735