Identif. of four new mutations in the short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrog. (SCAD)gene in two pt.: One of the variant alleles, 511C-T, is present at an unexp. high freq. in the generel population,as was the case...

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Niels Gregersen
  • Vibeke S. Winter
  • Morten Juhl Corydon
  • Thomas Juhl Corydon
  • Piero Rinaldo
  • Antonia Ribes
  • Gemma Martinez
  • Michael J. Bennett
  • Christine Vianey-Saban
  • Ajay Bhala
  • Daniel E. Hale
  • Willy Lehnert
  • Stanislav Kmoch
  • Manel Roig
  • Encamaclo Riudor
  • Eiberg, Hans Rudolf Lytchoff
  • Brage Storstein Andresen
  • Peter Bross
  • Lars A. Bolund
  • Steen Kølvraa
Original languageEnglish
JournalHuman Molecular Genetics
Issue numberVol.7, No.4
Pages (from-to)619-627
Publication statusPublished - 1998

ID: 214796