Fragmented habitat compensates for the adverse effects of genetic bottleneck

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  • Ari Löytynoja
  • Pasi Rastas
  • Mia Valtonen
  • Juhana Kammonen
  • Liisa Holm
  • Olsen, Morten Tange
  • Lars Paulin
  • Jukka Jernvall
  • Petri Auvinen

In the face of the human-caused biodiversity crisis, understanding the theoretical basis of conservation efforts of endangered species and populations has become increasingly important. According to population genetics theory, population subdivision helps organisms retain genetic diversity, crucial for adaptation in a changing environment. Habitat topography is thought to be important for generating and maintaining population subdivision, but empirical cases are needed to test this assumption. We studied Saimaa ringed seals, landlocked in a labyrinthine lake and recovering from a drastic bottleneck, with additional samples from three other ringed seal subspecies. Using whole-genome sequences of 145 seals, we analyzed the distribution of variation and genetic relatedness among the individuals in relation to the habitat shape. Despite a severe history of genetic bottlenecks with prevalent homozygosity in Saimaa ringed seals, we found evidence for the population structure mirroring the subregions of the lake. Our genome-wide analyses showed that the subpopulations had retained unique variation and largely complementary patterns of homozygosity, highlighting the significance of habitat connectivity in conservation biology and the power of genomic tools in understanding its impact. The central role of the population substructure in preserving genetic diversity at the metapopulation level was confirmed by simulations. Integration of genetic analyses in conservation decisions gives hope to Saimaa ringed seals and other endangered species in fragmented habitats.

Original languageEnglish
JournalCurrent Biology
Issue number6
Pages (from-to)1009-1018.e7
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors

    Research areas

  • genetic bottleneck, genetic variation, habitat fragmentation, mammals, metapopulation, pinniped, runs of homozygosity

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