Environment–host–parasite interactions in mass-reared insects

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The mass production of insects is rapidly expanding globally, supporting multiple
industrial needs. However, parasite infections in insect mass-production systems
can lower productivity and can lead to devastating losses. High rearing
densities and artificial environmental conditions in mass-rearing facilities affect
the insect hosts as well as their parasites. Environmental conditions such as temperature,
gases, light, vibration, and ionizing radiation can affect productivity in
insect mass-production facilities by altering insect development and susceptibility
to parasites. This review explores the recent literature on environment–host–
parasite interactions with a specific focus on mass-reared insect species.
Understanding these complex interactions offers opportunities to optimise
environmental conditions for the prevention of infectious diseases in massreared
Original languageEnglish
JournalTrends in Parasitology
Issue number7
Pages (from-to)588-602
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 2023

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ID: 347691559