Efficacy and safety of the PPARγ partial agonist balaglitazone compared with pioglitazone and placebo: a phase III, randomized, parallel-group study in patients with type 2 diabetes on stable insulin therapy

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

  • Kim Henriksen
  • Inger Byrjalsen
  • Per Qvist
  • Henning Beck-Nielsen
  • Gitte Hansen
  • Bente J Riis
  • Perrild, Hans
  • Svendsen, Ole Lander
  • Jeppe Gram
  • Morten A Karsdal
  • Claus Christiansen
  • BALLET Trial Investigators
Treatment of patients with perioxisome proliferator-activated receptor-¿ full agonists are associated with weight gain, heart failure, peripheral oedema, and bone loss. However, the safety of partial perioxisome proliferator-activated receptor-¿ agonists has not been established in a clinical trial. The BALaglitazone glucose Lowering Efficacy Trial aimed to establish the glucose-lowering effects and safety parameters of the perioxisome proliferator-activated receptor-¿ partial agonist balaglitazone in diabetic patients on stable insulin therapy.
Original languageEnglish
JournalDiabetes - Metabolism: Research and Reviews (Print Edition)
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)392-401
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2011

ID: 40188970