Differential Elimination of Anti-Thymocyte Globulin of Fresenius and Genzyme Impacts T-Cell Reconstitution After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


  • Lisa V E Oostenbrink
  • Cornelia M Jol-van der Zijde
  • Katrine Kielsen
  • Anja M Jansen-Hoogendijk
  • Marianne Ifversen
  • Muller, Klaus
  • Arjan C Lankester
  • Astrid G S van Halteren
  • Robbert G M Bredius
  • Marco W Schilham
  • Maarten J D van Tol

Anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) is a lymphocyte depleting agent applied in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) to prevent rejection and Graft-vs.-Host Disease (GvHD). In this study, we compared two rabbit ATG products, ATG-Genzyme (ATG-GENZ), and ATG-Fresenius (ATG-FRES), with respect to dosing, clearance of the active lymphocyte binding component, post-HSCT immune reconstitution and clinical outcome. Fifty-eigth pediatric acute leukemia patients (n = 42 ATG-GENZ, n = 16 ATG-FRES), who received a non-depleted bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cell graft from an unrelated donor were included. ATG-GENZ was given at a dosage of 6-10 mg/kg; ATG-FRES at 45-60 mg/kg. The active component of ATG from both products was cleared at different rates. Within the ATG-FRES dose range no differences were found in clearance of active ATG or T-cell re-appearance. However, the high dosage of ATG-GENZ (10 mg/kg), in contrast to the low dosage (6-8 mg/kg), correlated with prolonged persistence of active ATG and delayed T-cell reconstitution. Occurrence of serious acute GvHD (grade III-IV) was highest in the ATG-GENZ-low dosage group. These results imply that dosing of ATG-GENZ is more critical than dosing of ATG-FRES due to the difference in clearance of active ATG. This should be taken into account when designing clinical protocols.

Original languageEnglish
Article number315
JournalFrontiers in Immunology
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 2019

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ID: 240989424