Detecting host responses to microbial stimulation using primary epithelial organoids

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The intestinal epithelium is constantly exposed to microbes residing in the lumen. Traditionally, the response to microbial interactions has been studied in cell lines derived from cancerous tissues, e.g. Caco-2. It is, however, unclear how the responses in these cancer cell lines reflect the responses of a normal epithelium and whether there might be microbial strain-specific effects. To address these questions, we derived organoids from the small intestine from a cohort of healthy individuals. Culturing intestinal epithelium on a flat laminin matrix induced their differentiation, facilitating analysis of microbial responses via the apical membrane normally exposed to the luminal content. Here, it was evident that the healthy epithelium across multiple individuals (n = 9) demonstrates robust acute both common and strain-specific responses to a range of probiotic bacterial strains (BB-12, LGG, DSM33361, and Bif195). Importantly, parallel experiments using the Caco-2 cell line provide no acute response. Collectively, we demonstrate that primary epithelial cells maintained as organoids represent a valuable resource for assessing interactions between the epithelium and luminal microbes across individuals, and that these models are likely to contribute to a better understanding of host microbe interactions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2281012
JournalGut Microbes
Issue number2
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.

    Research areas

  • bacterial–epithelial interactions, intestinal epithelium, Intestinal organoids, microbiome, probiotics

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