CRI-SPA: a high-throughput method for systematic genetic editing of yeast libraries

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  • Paul Cachera
  • Helén Olsson
  • Hilde Coumou
  • Mads L Jensen
  • Benjamín j Sánchez
  • Tomas Strucko
  • Marcel Van den broek
  • Jean-marc Daran
  • Michael k Jensen
  • Nikolaus Sonnenschein
  • Lisby, Michael
  • Uffe h Mortensen
Biological functions are orchestrated by intricate networks of interacting genetic elements. Predicting the interaction landscape remains a challenge for systems biology and new research tools allowing simple and rapid mapping of sequence to function are desirable. Here, we describe CRI-SPA, a method allowing the transfer of chromosomal genetic features from a CRI-SPA Donor strain to arrayed strains in large libraries of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. CRI-SPA is based on mating, CRISPR-Cas9-induced gene conversion, and Selective Ploidy Ablation. CRI-SPA can be massively parallelized with automation and can be executed within a week. We demonstrate the power of CRI-SPA by transferring four genes that enable betaxanthin production into each strain of the yeast knockout collection (≈4800 strains). Using this setup, we show that CRI-SPA is highly efficient and reproducible, and even allows marker-free transfer of genetic features. Moreover, we validate a set of CRI-SPA hits by showing that their phenotypes correlate strongly with the phenotypes of the corresponding mutant strains recreated by reverse genetic engineering. Hence, our results provide a genome-wide overview of the genetic requirements for betaxanthin production. We envision that the simplicity, speed, and reliability offered by CRI-SPA will make it a versatile tool to forward systems-level understanding of biological processes.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere91
Book seriesNucleic acids symposium series
Issue number17
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2023

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