Cheaper Than Droids and Easier to Replace: Work, Labor and Organization in Star Wars Andor

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearch


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This essay explains how 'Andor' redefines the Star Wars narrative in the Narkina Five prison break arc. It delves into the exploitation of manual labor, portraying it as a potential catalyst for revolution. Focusing on labor right rather than jedi knights, this analysis contrasts the arc with the traditional focus on Jedi and force-sensitive saviors, showing ordinary characters disrupting fascism. Additionally, it draws parallels between the series and Silicon Valley's debates on technological innovation, unveiling the invisible manual labor underpinning technological advancement. 'Andor' not only reinvigorates the Star Wars universe but also provokes reflection on real-world issues of labor, innovation, and inequality.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAndor Analysed Part One : Roots of Rebellion in Star Wars
EditorsJamie Woodcock
Number of pages14
PublisherRed Futures
Publication date2024
ISBN (Electronic)9781739394417
Publication statusPublished - 2024

ID: 388066710