Bipolar depression er en diagnostisk og behandlingsmæssig udfordringbehandlingsmæssig udfordring

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  • Sune Pv Straszek
  • Rasmus Wentzer Licht
  • René Ernst Nielsen
  • Vinberg, Maj

This narrative review addresses the challenges of how to identify and treat bipolar depression. Bipolar depression, i.e. depressive episode(s) as part of bipolar disorder, can be differentiated from unipolar depression only through the previous course of illness. A correct diagnosis therefore may be delayed. The pharmacotherapy of bipolar depression differs from that of unipolar depression due to a high risk of recurrence of either hypomanic/manic or depressive episodes or mood instability. Therefore, long periods of specialized treatment will often be required. Both bipolar and unipolar depression will often benefit from adjunctive social and psychological interventions.

Translated title of the contributionBipolar depression, a challenge diagnostic and treatmentwise
Original languageDanish
Article numberV10210821
JournalUgeskrift for Laeger
Issue number14
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 4 Apr 2022

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ID: 329209077