Benchmarking full-length transcript single cell mRNA sequencing protocols

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Background: Single cell mRNA sequencing technologies have transformed our understanding of cellular heterogeneity and identity. For sensitive discovery or clinical marker estimation where high transcript capture per cell is needed only plate-based techniques currently offer sufficient resolution. Results: Here, we present a performance evaluation of four different plate-based scRNA-seq protocols. Our evaluation is aimed towards applications taxing high gene detection sensitivity, reproducibility between samples, and minimum hands-on time, as is required, for example, in clinical use. We included two commercial kits, NEBNext® Single Cell/ Low Input RNA Library Prep Kit (NEB®), SMART-seq® HT kit (Takara®), and the non-commercial protocols Genome & Transcriptome sequencing (G&T) and SMART-seq3 (SS3). G&T delivered the highest detection of genes per single cell. SS3 presented the highest gene detection per single cell at the lowest price. Takara® kit presented similar high gene detection per single cell, and high reproducibility between samples, but at the absolute highest price. NEB® delivered a lower detection of genes but remains an alternative to more expensive commercial kits. Conclusion: For the tested kits we found that ease-of-use came at higher prices. Takara can be selected for its ease-of-use to analyse a few samples, but we recommend the cheaper G&T-seq or SS3 for laboratories where a substantial sample flow can be expected.

Original languageEnglish
Article number860
JournalBMC Genomics
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022, The Author(s).

    Research areas

  • Benchmarking, Full-length RNAseq, G&T sequencing, mRNA sequencing technologies, NEB, Single cell, SMART-seq3, Takara

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ID: 340541898