Yevgeniy Golovchenko

Yevgeniy Golovchenko

Tenure Track Assistant Professor

Primary fields of research

I study politics on social media and political communication during international conflict. I use methods from computational social science to explore topics in political sociology, political communication, and international relations.

My research is focused on:

-          Disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda

-          Online censorship

-          Hybrid warfare and information warfare

-          Russian and Ukrainian politics

-          Social networks


I am a coordinator for the “Hub on mis-/disinformation” and a member of the Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS).

I wrote my PhD thesis on pro-Kremlin disinformation on social media as a part of the Digital Disinformation project, funded by the Carlsberg Foundation. My current research is part of the DIPLOFACE project, directed by Rebecca Adler-Nissen. I was a visiting scholar at New York University’s SMAPP lab, where I carried out research on Russian interference in US elections. I have also stayed at Waseda University as a research fellow and Tokyo University as a visiting student.

I have previously designed and taught seminar courses, respectively titled 'Propaganda and Disinformation on Social Media' and 'Social Network Analysis'. I have co-taught Advanced Social Data Science I and I will co-teach Digital Methods – both as part of the new MSc program in Social Data Science

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