Trine Louise Schreiber

Trine Louise Schreiber

Associate Professor

Member of:

    Primary fields of research

    Research areas:

    My research has a focus on the following subjects:

    • Digitalization in libraries
    • Digital texts and new social practices
    • Professional work in libraries
    • Socio-technical approach and Actor-Network-Theory (ANT)

    My research concerns questions about the role of digitalization in  libraries and the ways in which changed technologies reproduce or create new social practices in this cultural institution. A key focus is how communicative activities evolve, how emerging activities shape or are shaped into typified activities, and in what ways librarians understand and recognize particular standardized practices. Using the socio-technical approach, I investigate changes in librarians understanding of the professional work.    

    In the last years the actor-network-theory (ANT) has been of interest in information studies caused by the role this approach gives to materiality and technology. I have applied the socio-technical approach and ANT in a study of use of digital learning resources in information practices in educational libraries. The study was about how introduction and integration of new digital resources were going on: Would the new practices be integrated in the already existing practices, or were the already existing practices eventually a kind of barrier for new ones?  What did the materiality of a particular technology mean for the way librarians understood professional work? 




    Teaching activities in autumn 2024:

    • Master module "Cultural Communication 2: democracy, experience and learning"
    • Master´s thesis and bachelor´s project

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