Tore Tvarnø Lind

Tore Tvarnø Lind

Associate Professor


Anthropology of music (ethnomusicology), fieldwork, interviews

Metal music - scene, underground, crises, gender, lyrics, culture

Culture as anthropological concept(s) - music as social practice

Music and religion, Greek-Orthodox chant, New Spiritual healing with music

Musical tradition, identification and authenticity questions

Music and conflict, censorship, violence, war, music torture

Phenomenology and the study of people's (musical) lifeworlds

Transcription and musical notation


Primary fields of research

Black metal, hardcore, personal and political crises

Greek Orthodox/Byzantine chant

healing, medicine and musik (critical studies)

intersections btw anthropology of music, cultural theory and historiography


Current research

Black metal music in Denmark

The Greek metal scene

Quietude and the Byzantine chant tradition

Environmentalist activism in death metal music


ID: 10746