Merete Watt Boolsen

Merete Watt Boolsen

Associate Professor Emerita

Evaluation takes place like never before. In education (e.g. grades), in health (e.g. health programs), in the social sector (e.g. client plans), and in the workplace (e.g. leader-evaluation).
To-day it is difficult to avoid evaluations within the public sector. The perspective varies – either because you are dependent upon evaluations or because you are going to do the evaluation yourself – or perhaps students, patients or clients are going to be evaluated.
Controversial strategies are found with the field of evaluation – for instance strategies dealing with control, change or development. No matter what – we cannot disregard evaluations – in our roles as leaders, as co-workers/colleagues, consultants or citizens.
My research deals with the planning, monitoring, development and implementation of evaluations.

Primary fields of research

  • Social science research methods and analysis
  • Developmental evaluation
  • monitoring
  • NVivo
  • Educational research in Greenland
  • Dynamics between responsibility and rules within the health-sector, the educational sector, and the social sector


  • Social science research methods and analysis
  • Qualitative analysis with NVivo
  • Evaluation
  • Genetic research
  • Deviant behavior
  • Minorities

Selected publications

  1. Published

    Spørgeskemaundersøgelser: fra konstruktion af spørgsmål til analyse af svarene

    Boolsen, Merete Watt, 2008, 3. oplag 2015 ed. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag. 238 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportBookResearchpeer-review

ID: 9198