Lis Højgaard

Lis Højgaard

Associate Professor Emerita

Curriculum Vitae

Lis Højgaard
Address: Emanuel Olsens Vej 4
2000 F.

Born 1946


1976                    Magister in Cultural Sociology, University of Copenhagen

Research Positions:

1976-1978           Kandidatstipendiat, University of Copenhagen

1978- 1981          Lecturer at The Institute of History and Social Science University of Roskilde

1981-1983           Assistant Professor at Institute of Cultural Sociology University of Copenhagen

1983-1993           Associate Professor at Institute of Cultural Sociology University of Copenhagen

1988-1990           Conducting a research project On Women and Leadership for the Equal Status Council under the Prime Minister's Department. (On Leave from the University).

1993-                   Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

1995-1998           Research Manager of ‘The Comparative Leadership Project' funded by the Danish Social Science Research Council and the EU.

1996-2002           Research Manager of the Research-project:  'Køn i den akademiske organisation' (Gender in the Academic Organisation) funded by five Danish Research Councils.

2000-2006           Partner in the cross-cultural research project: ‘Fathers and Mothers: Dilemmas of the work-life Balance'. Financed by the European Commission, Directorate General, Employment and Social Affairs and the Irish Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

Other Activities:

1980-1988           On the Editorial Board of the Journal 'Kontext'.

1996-2000           Member of the Board of The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture.

1998 - 2004         Member of the Danish Social Science Research Council

2000 - 2004         Member of the Board of the Danish Building and Urban Research Centre

2001 - 2004          Member of the Board of the Danish Social Science Research Council



Højgaard, Lis 1979: Bidrag til den danske kvindebevægelses historie. Akademisk Forlag.

Bloch, C.,Lis Højgaard, et al.1988:  Hverdagsliv, Kultur og Subjektivitet. København, Akademisk Forlag.

Jacobsen, H. & Lis Højgaard (red.) 1990:    Skolen er Køn. Ligestillingsrådet. København.

Højgaard, Lis 1990: Vil kvinder lede? Et spørgsmål om fornyelse. Ligestillingsrådet. 222 p. København.

Højgaard, Lis 1991: Vil mænd lede? Et spørgsmål om loyalitet. Ligestillingsrådet. 124 p. København.

Flensted-Jensen, Lis Højgaard (red) 1995: Køn og kultur i organisationer. Odense Universitets Forlag. Odense.

Højgaard, Lis 1996: Køn og løn - En analyse af virksomhedskultur og lønforskelle mellem kvinder og mænd i fire private virksomheder. 250 p. Samfundslitteratur. København.

Lis Højgaard & Dorte Marie Søndergaard (red.) 2003: Akademisk tilblivelse - Akademia og dens kønnede befolkning. 240 sider. Akademisk Forlag. 2003. 240 sider.

Margret Fine-Davis, Jeanne Fagnani, Dino Giovannini, Lis Højgaard, Hilary Clarke: Fathers and Mothers. Dilemmas of the Work-Life Balance. Kluwer Academic publishers. Dordrecht/Boston/London. 2003. 342 sider.

Fine-Davis, Magret ; Fagnani, Jeanne ; Giovannini, Dino ; Lis Højgaard ;Clarke, Hilary : Padri e madri: i dilemmi della conciliazione famiglia-lavoro: Studio comparativo in Quattro paesi europei. /. 1. udg. Bologna, Italien : il Molino, 2007. 418 s.


ID: 5831