Lene Hansen

Lene Hansen




Ph.D. (Political Science) University of Copenhagen, 1998

M.A. (Political Science) University of Copenhagen, 1994

B.A. (Political Science) University of Copenhagen, 1992



2009- Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

2000-2009 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

1997-2000 Research Fellow, the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI)


Research management

2013-2017 Project director, “Images and International Security”

2008-2011 Director of the Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen

2005-2011 Director of the Ph.D. program, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen


Fellowships, Grants, Awards

2013: Grant for research project on “Images and International Security”, The Danish Council for Independent Research, Social Science (7.4 million Danish Kroner)

2011: The Elite Research Prize of The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

2009: 1 Mobility PhD grant, The Danish Council for Independent Research, Social Science (2.2 million Danish Kroner)

2009: 3 Mobility PhD grants, 2009, The Danish Council for Independent Research, Humanities (6.6 million Danish kroner)

2004: Grant from the Danish Social Science Research Council to spent six months at New York University

2001: Social Science Research Council Summer Research Fellowship in Information Technology, International Cooperation and Global Security, UC Berkeley


Boards and Committees

Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden, Review Panel 1 (Economics, Law, Statistics among others), 2013-

The Danish Council for Independent Research, Social Sciences, 2013-

Committee for the selection of the 2013, BISA Susan Strange Book Prize

Centre for Advanced International Theory, Department of International Relations, University of Sussex, Advisory Board, 2012-

Committee for the selection of the editors of Review of International Studies, 2009-

Steering Committee, Centre for Advanced Security Theory (CAST), 2008-

The Steering Group of The Standing Group of International Relations, European Consortium for Political Research

(ECPR), ex officio member, 2008-2013

KUFUR (The Advisory Committee on Ph.D. education, University of Copenhagen), 2008-2011

The Reference Group for the Management Development Program at the University of Copenhagen, 2008-2012

The Board of The Danish Political Science Research School, 2007-2011

The Reference Group for The Coordination of Gender Research at the University of Copenhagen, 2006-2010


Editorial experience

International Theory, Editorial Board, 2015-

International Studies Quarterly, Editorial Board, 2014-

European Journal of International Relations, Editorial Committee, 2014-

European Journal of International Relations, Editor, 2008-2013

Review of International Studies, Editorial Board, 2011-

Routledge Series on Interpretative Methods, International Advisory Board, 2009-

Internasjonal Politikk, Editorial Board, 2007-

Cambridge Studies in International Relations, Editorial Board Member, 2008-

Security Dialogue, Editorial Board Member, 2001-

Journal of International Relations and Development, International Advisory Board Member, 2004-

Cooperation and Conflict: Nordic Journal of International Studies, Editorial Board Member, 1999- 2001

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