Katrine Strandberg-Larsen

Katrine Strandberg-Larsen

Associate Professor - Promotion Programme

Primary fields of research

My primary research interests are in how early life conditions affect the health and well-being of fetuses, children and adolescents, and epidemiological issues involved when investigating this.

Current research

Co-Principal Investigator of the 18-years follow-up in the Danish National Birth Cohort, and Principal Investigator of the EATus research programmeDisordered EATing behaviors and eating disorders during adolescence - understanding severity, course and etiology - EATus.

Data from the Danish National Birth Cohort and the nationwide registries constitute the foundation of the EATus research programme. I am further involved in various other research projects exploiting these data sources to address how prenatal and early life exposures are related to neurodevelopment outcomes in children and mental health outcomes in adolescents. 


Teaching pre- and post-graduate students in epidemiology and reproductive epidemiology.

Supervisor for bachelor students, master students and PhD students.

ID: 929350