Katrine Strandberg-Larsen

Katrine Strandberg-Larsen

Associate Professor - Promotion Programme

Area of research:

Reproductive epidemiology, birth cohorts, cross-cohort collaboration



2009: PhD in Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen

2004: MSc in Public Health, University of Copenhagen

2002: BSc in Public Health, University of Copenhagen


Other Education:

2023: Research management course, Copenhagen Business School              Executive Fonden.

2022: PHD supervision: Next level (3992-22-00-00), UCPH2021: PhD            supervision Rules & Regulation

2021: PhD supervision Rules & Regulation

2019: ERC Interview training: Starting grants 2019

2019: Quantitative bias analysis

2019: Leading Research – a leadership course

2017: Course for Department Supervisors

2016: Seminar for experienced PhD participation

2014: Seminar on Responsible Conduct of Research

2011: Teaching and learning in higher education, Formal pedagogic education, UCPH


Professional experience:

2022 (jan-aug): Acting head of section, Section of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, UCPH

2018-2022: Associate professor, Section of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen

2011-2017: Associate professor, Section of Social Medicine, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen

2010 - 2010: Post doc., Section of Social Medicine, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen

2009 - 2010: Post doc., Division of Epidemiology, University of Southern Denmark

2002 - 2009: PhD candidate/research fellow, Centre for Alcohol Research, National Institute of Public Health, Denmark


Research stays abroad:

Sep. - Dec. 2012: Research stay, Department of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University

Apr. - Jul. 2007: Visiting Research Scholar, University of California, Los Angeles, (UCLA)               


Scientific and professional posts:

2020-: Infant Health Study (NNF funded) – Member of the Data & Trial Steering Committee

2020-: Schientific evaluator, Forte (www.forte.se), Epidemiology and population based studies 2

2016-2018: Member of the Scientific Committee, the Lolland-Falster Cohort Study, Region Zealand

2016-: Member of the Danish National Birth Cohort’s Board of Directors

2015-2021: Board Member, The Danish Epidemiology Society (DES)

2012-2019: Board Member, The Clinical Database for the Regional Outpatient Family Clinics 

2005: Cofounder, The Association of Masters of Science in Public Health, Denmark                                                                 


Career breaks:

2009 - 2010: Maternity leave    

2007 - 2007: Maternity leave    

2006 - 2007: Maternity leave              


Grants (in own name):

2019: Horizon2020, EU contract number 874583. DKK 629.525 for the project ATHLETE, partner 22 

2018: Sapera Aude: DFF-Reasearch leader (8045-00047B)-DKK 5.897.845

2016: Gangstedfonden (A31527) – DKK 200.000

2013: The Danish Research Council, EUopSTART. DKK 150,000 for Early Signs of Addictive Behaviour and Mental Disorders: Phenotype, Determinants, and prognoses - A 17-year follow-up of the children in the Danish National Birth Cohort

2012: The Lundbeck foundation. DKK 90,000 for Use of antidepressants in pregnancy and risk of spontaneous abortion – An application of a pregraduate scholarship

2012: The Danish Council for Independent Research │Medical Sciences.DKK 201,600 for Use of antidepressants in pregnancy and risk of spontaneous abortion – An application for a pregraduate scholarship

2009: The Danish Council for Independent Research │Medical Sciences. DKK 2.430.000 for Alcohol dehydrogenase genotype and drinking pattern during pregnancy in relation to health consequences in the offspring. Postdoctoral fellowship

2005: The Danish Graduate School in Public Health. DKK 375,000 for Detrimental effects of Binge drinking during pregnancy


Grants as named Co-applicant:

2023: NordForsk. NOK: 10.981.125 for the project: Post-pandemic mental health: Risk and resilience in young people. (Projectnr. #156298)

2021: ERCstg. EUR 1.5 mio for the project: Solving the ’time puzzle’ of epigenetic effects on child mental health (TEMPO) - recipient Charlotte Cecil, Erasmus MC)

2021: Novo Nordisk Foundation. DKK 1.944.539 for the project: Is underweight a health problem among children in Denmark? (Grant #NNF21SH0069849)

2021: Research Executive Agency – Marie Curie Fellowship. EUR 219.312 for  URBINEX - The relationship between social inequalities, child mental health and exposure to urban environmental stressors: an epidemiological analysis. (#101025856)

2020: The Lundbeck Foundation. DKK 4.860 for the project: Young People’s Risk of Suicide attempt (YRSA)

2020: The French Institute for Public Health Research. EUR 392.488 for the project Epidemiological Study of PRenatal Intake of Tobacco and later child outcomes (ESPRIT)

2020: Nordea-fonden 2020, Amning – en god start sammen. DKK 5.166.642,00 (nr. 02-2019-00267)

2018: Det Obelske Familiefond 2018, Tryg start i sundhedsplejen. DKK 2.500.000 (nr. 29763)

2018: National Institute of mental Health, $2.157.942 for the project A multi-cohort assessment of gestational SSRI Exposure on long-term psychiatric outcomes (R01MH114967)

2016: Horizon2020, SC1-2016-2017. €700.000 for the project LIFECYCLE, partner 6

2015: The Danish Medical Research Council │Medical Sciences. DKK 2.850,000 for the project close to adult: 17- year follow-up of the Danish National Birth Cohort

2011: The Lundbeck foundation. DKK 1.000.000 for the project 11-year follow up of the Danish National Birth Cohort        


 European Research Council
I reached 2nd round with my ERC application with the project "Eating disorders- Understanding the spectral nature, course of symptoms and etiology (EATus)


Research Leadership:

2019 –: PI of the EATus research program. EATus, DFF

2015 –2022: Executive committee member of the MOBAND-CP study (Mother and Babiesin Norway and Denmark – cerebral palsy). Cohort profile - MOBAND-CP

2014–2021 :   Co-PI and scientific leader of the 18-year follow up of the Danish National Birth Cohort. DNBC 18-years


International Collaboration:

2022 – 2027: Tempo - Solving the ’time puzzle’ of epigenetic effects on child mental health, ERCstg 2021, Lay description of the Tempo project

2020 – 2024: Athlete – A advancing tools for human Early Lifecourse Exprosome Research and translation, HORIZON 2020, Athlete project

2016 - 2021: LifeCycle – Early life stressors and lifecycle health, HORIZON 2020  

2011-2022: MOBAND, a NIH funded project that merges the Norwegian and Danish birth cohorts and study cerebral palsy

2010 - 2013: CHICOS, FP7 (www.chicosproject.eu/the-project)       


Reviewing activities:                       

Peer review: Int J Epi, European J Epi, BJOG, Lancet psych, Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, Perinat Pediatric Epi, Eating Behaviors, Human Reproduction, CNS drugs, BMC Public Health and more

Abstract assessor: EuroEpi, Aarhus Denmark Aug. 11th – 14th 2013

Editorial tasks: Assistant editor, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.  


Institutional Responsibilities:

2019 –: Member of the Data Security and Compliance group, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen

2018 –2020: Member of the Public Health Science Curriculum Change Group, University of Copenhagen

2017-2021: Member of The Danish Bibliometric Research Indicator for Research field 59 – Public Health, under Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education

2016-: Member of the Study Board of the program in Public Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen 

2014-2023: PhD coordinator Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen                    

2014-: Member of Board, Research Education program in Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Copenhagen

2013-2014: Member of Educational Board of Master in Public Health Science, University of Copenhagen


Selected Invited Talks:

2022: Invited speaker at Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation on establishing a FAIR network for sensitive research data.

2021: Invited speaker the Trygfond foundation for the 13th workshop on mental health among children and adolescents

2021: Invited speaker at Nordea Fonden on a network meeting among the Danish foundation on mental health in young people

2018: Invited speaker at the LOM day, Lifestyle, Obesity and Metabolic research, UCPH

2017: Global Excellence Seminar- Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance

2016: Keynote Speaker at Open Seminar, Pharmatox – Strategic Research Initiative, Oslo

2016: Annual Meeting Family Centre Clinics, Kolding

2015: Invited Expert, The Fertility Clinic 4071, Copenhagen University Hospital

2014: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Study Group meeting, Seattle

2013: Eucconet Meeting, Paris

2012: Annual meeting Family Centre Clinics, Nyborg Strand

2012: Seminar Speaker, NIEHS, Epidemiology Branch


Teaching Activities:

2023 –: Course leader – Advanced Epidemiology MSc Public Health Science, UCPH

2023: Lecturer – Perinatal and early life epidemiology European Educational Programme in Epidemiology 5-day specialized course, Florence

2019 -2022: Course leader – Epidemiology MSc Public Health Science, University of Copenhagen

2011 – 2018: Course leader – Introduction to Epidemiology, BSc Public Health Science, University of Copenhagen

2012 -: Giving lectures – Reproductive Epidemiology, University of Copenhagen

2013 – 2021: Appointed censor at the Public Health related educations and the education in Medicine

2013 -: Giving lectures – PhD-level courses in epidemiological designs, causal modelling, directed acyclic graphs, and interaction, University of Copenhagen

2012: Invited Lecturer – 3-Day PhD level Cause on Causal Diagrams, Malmø University.


Research Supervision:

I have been supervisor for 20 bachelor-level and 22 master-level students in Public Health Science, and 3 bachelor-level MD student. All at the University of Copenhagen.

Post-graduate supervision

2012-2016: Co-supervisor for PhD student Ingrid Maria Susanne Nilsson. Project title: Less is more - Early discharge following birth – How do we support mothers to effective breastfeeding? Thesis approved August 17, 2016

2013-2018: Co-supervisor for PhD student Pernille Stemann Larsen. Project title: Eating Disorders in preadolescent children.

2014-2019: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Tanja Gram Petersen. Project title: Are prenatal exposures to maternal thyroid disorder, folic acid supplementation, or analgesics related to risk of cerebral palsy, and do prenatal risk factors act synergistically? - An epidemiological study of two large nation-wide birth cohorts (MOBAND)

2015-2019: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Lonny Merete Stockholm. Project title: Obstetric use of oxytocin and possible consequences for mental andcognitive health in childhood.

2016-: Principal Mentor for Postdoc Nicole Nadine Lønfeldt

2017-: Co-Supervisor for PhD student Julie Andersen

2018-: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Julie Elbæk Pedersen 

2019-2020: Principal Mentor for Postdoc Else Marie Olsen

2019-: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Clara Clipet-Jensen  

2020-: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Ida Scheel Rasmussen

2021-: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Julie Marie Vinkler (NSH)

2021-: Primary Co Supervisor for PhD student Henriette Rosseau

2021-: Principal Mentor for Marie Currie Postdoc Tim Cadman

2021-: Principal Supervisor for PhD student Andrea Joensen

2022-: Primary Co Supervisor for PhD student Anne Aurup (UCPH-Science)

2022-: Primary Co Supervisor for PhD student Stine Danielsen

2023-: Co Supervisor for PhD student Thea Emily Benson (AU)

2023-: Co Supervisor for PhD student Anne Marie Ladehoff Thomsen (AU)

Research Scholarship Students

2012: Katia Buch Hærvig. Research Project: Use of ADHD medication during pregnancy

2012: Rie Laurine Rosenthal Johansen. Research Project: Use of antidepressants in pregnancy and risk of spontaneous abortion

2010: Alice Clark. Research Project: Psychosocial risk factors and Chronic Obstructive lung disease


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