Christian Bueger

Christian Bueger


Employment and Appointments

University of Copenhagen, Department of Political Science,

Professor of International Relations, since 8/2018.

Cardiff University, UK, School of Law and Politics, Dept. of Politics and International Relations,

Professor of International Relations (8/2017-7/2018),

Reader in International Relations (8/2014-7/2017),

Lecturer in International Relations (2/2012-7/2014).

Greenwich Maritime Institute, UK, University of Greenwich,

Leverhulme Visiting Fellow (7/2011-1/2012).

Institute for Development and Peace (INEF), University of Duisburg-Essen,

Post-Doctoral Fellow (5/2010-6/2011)

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute,

   Research Assistant for ‘European Report on Development’-Project (1/2009-9/2009) 

Institut für Sozialforschung, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany

Research Fellow (2004-2005)



European University Institute (EUI)


2010, Thesis Title: ‘The New Spirit of Technocracy? Ordering Practice in United Nations Peacebuilding’, Committee: Friedrich Kratochwil (EUI, supervisor), Iver Neumann (Norwegian Institute of International Affairs), Gunther Hellmann (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Pascal Vennesson (EUI).



Cornell University

Visiting PhD Student, 2-6/2008, Department of Government, supervised by Matthew Evangelista

Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main


2002, ‘Diplom-Politologe’ (BSc./MRes.), first class.



Visiting Positions

University of the Seychelles, Mancham Centre for Peace and Diplomacy, Honorary Professor, since 8/2017, Honorary Fellow 10/2016-9/2017, non-resident.

Faculty of Military Science, University of Stellenbosch,Research Fellow, since 1/2017, non-resident.

Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore,Senior Visiting Scholar, 4-7/2018.

Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP), University College London (UCL),Visiting Professor, 6-9/2015.

Center for International Law, National University of Singapore,Visiting Fellow, 3-5/2015.

Department of Political Science, Copenhagen University,Visiting Lecturer & Fellow, 9-11/2014 & 5-11/2013.

ID: 198862785