Anna Meera Gaonkar

Anna Meera Gaonkar

Postdoc, Studieadjunkt

I am a postdoc at the New Carlsberg research center Art as Forum in the project Communities of Separatism. Affects in and around separatist collectives of racialised artists and cultural workers together with Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt (PI). I am interested in (post)migration, cultural policy and the politics of emotion as formative contexts of artistic production, media production, and culture. My current research examines communities of separatism in the Nordic countries. My PhD dissertation from 2022 considers the affective implications of racialised migrancy in contemporary Danish society through the concept of postmigrant homesickness

Keywords: migration, postmigration, racialized migrancy, affect theory,  nationalism, technologies of citizenship, legal and emotional belonging, homesickness, kinship, coloniality, adoption studies, globalization, strategic separatism, strategic essentialism.


Teaching and supervision areas:

–      migration, postmigration, nationalism, globalization

–      postcolonial theory

–      (queer feminist) affect theory

–      othering, racialization, racism 

–      belonging, kinship, family 

–      critical perspectives on the portrayal of honor-related conflicts

–      cross-cultural perspectives on art and culture

–      media representation (in newspapers and documentary films)



Spring 2023: Move it! Bevægelse, migration, forflytning with Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen [DK]

Spring 2019: Migration, Postmigration and the Arts: Contemporary Literature and Film, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Section for Modern Culture and Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen [ENG]

Spring 2019: Kulturteori- og analyse with Mikkel Bolt and Henrik Reeh, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, Section for Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen (four sessions on feminism and gender, psychoanalysis, coloniality and decoloniality as well as posthumanism) [DK]

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