Anna Lyngdal Wulff

Anna Lyngdal Wulff

Research Assistant

I have a Master's degree in European Ethnology, and conduct research on working life, social inclusion, and mental health. I am a research assistant at the Copenhagen Centre for Health Research in the Humanities, where I specifically research competence development in later working life. Through my work, I am involved in developing practice-oriented initiatives and tools for older employees and their workplaces to enhance mental well-being in later working life. 

My background is in the employment sector, where I have worked on employment initiatives and competence development to ensure a more diverse labor market. I have experience in project management and the coordination of complex processes. Through a range of projects, I have combined research and practice, and I am able to disseminate complex, cultural concepts in an easily understandable manner and translate them into practical tools.


Primary fields of research

  • Qualitative research and cultural analysis
  • Mental health in worklife 
  • Social inclusion in the labor market and precarization
  • Competence development and lifelong learning
  • Development of research-based work environment initiatives
  • Ageism and gerontology 

Current research

I work on the research project Senior Practice, where I investigate older workers' perceptions of and attitudes toward competence development. According to statistics from the research project Competence Development 55+, governmental workers aged 55+ participate less in skill development than their younger colleagues. But what about the private sector?

To gain a deeper understanding, we examin the dynamics related to learning in private companies to explore how competence development is perceived and practiced among older workers, and the factors that support or limit their participation. The project is funded by Velliv Foreningen.

ID: 312089047