'We had conversations we wouldn't have had otherwise'-Exploring home-dwelling people with dementia and family members' experiences of deliberating on ethical issues in a literature-based intervention

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  • Sofie Smedegaard Skov
  • Marie Eva Berg
  • Josefine Ranfelt Andersen
  • Frederik Schou-Juul
  • Jensen, Anja Marie Bornø
  • Anna Paldam Folker
  • Sigurd Lauridsen
To explore home-dwelling people with dementia and family members' perceptions of the feasibility and acceptability of an intervention using dementia-related literature excerpts to facilitate conversations on ethical issues related to living with dementia.

Ethical issues in dementia care emerge throughout the illness. In the early stages, they may involve decisions about disclosing the illness to the family, shifting roles and responsibilities, and considerations of transitioning to a nursing home. Addressing ethical issues and providing adequate support to home-dwelling people with dementia and their families are often lacking.

An exploratory-descriptive qualitative study.

We conducted eight interviews with 14 home-dwelling persons with dementia and their family caregivers. Six were dyadic interviews, and two were individual interviews with family caregivers. We analysed the interview data using template analysis. We adhered to the COREQ checklist in reporting this study.

Using excerpts from dementia-related literature was a feasible and acceptable way of initiating discussions on ethical issues among home-dwelling persons with dementia and family caregivers. However, engaging the families of newly diagnosed individuals was challenging due to emotional distress. The intervention provided peer support, including identifying with others and sharing experiences. Moreover, participating couples found intimacy and relational attunement through shared reflections.

Based on the findings, it appears that the participants in this study felt that using excerpts from dementia-related literature to deliberate on ethical issues was feasible and acceptable. Deliberating on ethical issues with peers and family caregivers offers valuable social support and opportunities for strengthening relationships.
TidsskriftJournal of Clinical Nursing
Udgave nummer7
Sider (fra-til)2719-2731
Antal sider13
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

© 2024 The Authors. Journal of Clinical Nursing published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

ID: 387021312