Validation of Personality Inventory for DSM–5 (PID-5) algorithms to assess ICD-11 personality trait domains in a psychiatric sample.

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The International Classification of Disease (11th ed.; ICD-11) personality disorder (PD) proposal characterizes personality psychopathology using an overall impairment severity dimension as well as dysfunctional personality style on the basis of five trait domain qualifiers: Negative Affectivity, Detachment, Dissociality, Disinhibition, and Anankastia. Recent research has indicated that trait facet scales from the Personality Inventory for DSM–5 (PID-5) can be used to index these five broad domains with promising construct validity. Our goal in the current study was to validate the PID-5 algorithms for the five ICD-11 trait domains with some minor adjustments based on the updated ICD-11 text. To this end, we used 343 psychiatric outpatients from a large Canadian metropolitan area, who had completed the PID-5, the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM–IV Axis II Disorders—Personality Questionnaire, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 Restructured Form, and the Revised NEO Personality Inventory. The factor structure of the ICD-11 domains was upheld, as expected, and associations with external measures of five-factor model and Personality Psychopathology Five personality traits as well as PD symptom counts adhered to a conceptually expected pattern.
TidsskriftPsychological Assessment
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)40-49
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - jan. 2020

ID: 365593327