Urban Media and Interfaces: Blågården in Nørrebro, Copenhagen

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For ten weeks in 2013, nineteen eclectic students from Anthropology, Ethnology and Design formed cross-disciplinary teams to research existing practices and possible futures in Blågården. Social media is radically changing how urban space is explored, experienced and communicated. For example, through revealing local knowledge about hidden gems and local communities, and by marking up the city with personal anecdotes and recommendations shared online. Blågården currently has a bad reputation. The presence of gangs and drug use stimulates a feeling of insecurity for the residents, but also for current and potential visitors as mentioned in the social housing plan for the area. On the other hand, the area's mixed ethnicity, colorful shops and cafes are valued by city tourists and other visitors who seek authentic experiences in local contexts. Against this background, Det Gode Naboskab, Wonderful Copenhagen and Socialsquare jointly raise these questions: What is the role of social media as interface between the area around Blågårds Plads, its local communities and (potential) visitors, considering perspectives of security, control and planning? What are the challenges and opportunities pertaining to local knowledge and social media? Our students' projects are displayed for your enjoyment and exploration! (http://cargocollective.com/umai/About-Urban-Media-and-Interfaces) Tine Damsholt, Karen Waltorp & Joachim Halse – Faculties of Social Sciences, Humanities and Design
Publikationsdatonov. 2013
StatusUdgivet - nov. 2013
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 255451171