Upper cortical layer-driven network impairment in schizophrenia

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  • Mykhailo Y. Batiuk
  • Teadora Tyler
  • Katarina Dragicevic
  • Shenglin Mei
  • Rydbirk, Rasmus
  • Viktor Petukhov
  • Ruslan Deviatiiarov
  • Dora Sedmak
  • Erzsebet Frank
  • Virginia Feher
  • Nikola Habek
  • Qiwen Hu
  • Anna Igolkina
  • Lilla Roszik
  • Ulrich Pfisterer
  • Diego Garcia-Gonzalez
  • Zdravko Petanjek
  • Istvan Adorjan
  • Peter V. Kharchenko
  • Khodosevich, Konstantin

Schizophrenia is one of the most widespread and complex mental disorders. To characterize the impact of schizophrenia, we performed single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) of >220,000 neurons from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of patients with schizophrenia and matched controls. In addition, >115,000 neurons were analyzed topographically by immunohistochemistry. Compositional analysis of snRNA-seq data revealed a reduction in abundance of GABAergic neurons and a concomitant increase in principal neurons, most pronounced for upper cortical layer subtypes, which was substantiated by histological analysis. Many neuronal subtypes showed extensive transcriptomic changes, the most marked in upper-layer GABAergic neurons, including down-regulation in energy metabolism and up-regulation in neurotransmission. Transcription factor network analysis demonstrated a developmental origin of transcriptomic changes. Last, Visium spatial transcriptomics further corroborated upper-layer neuron vulnerability in schizophrenia. Overall, our results point toward general network impairment within upper cortical layers as a core substrate associated with schizophrenia symptomatology.

TidsskriftScience Advances
Udgave nummer41
Antal sider24
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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