Treatment adherence and psychosocial impact of tinea capitis in families: Qualitative pilot study

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Tinea capitis (TC) is a fungal infection of the hair and scalp. It mainly affects children, and treatment requires an extensive regimen including oral therapy, antifungal creams, and shampoo, as well as disinfection of fomites, bed linen, and clothes. Family members to patients with TC need prophylactic treatment to limit spread of the infection. Adherence to therapy in TC is time consuming, and the disease may cause psychosocial impairment to the caregivers. In this study, we performed interviews with parents to children with TC to identify factors related to treatment adherence and psychosocial implications from the parent's perspective. The interviews were performed and recorded at a dermatology outpatient clinic in Roskilde, Denmark (2018-2019). A total of 11 families agreed to participate in the study. The families had one to four affected children (age range: 1-14 years). We found that the key factors affecting adherence were the level of cooperation between the child and their parent, lack of symptoms in family members, and language barrier. The psychosocial well-being of parents was negatively affected due to fear of stigma and the time spent on treatment. Our study emphasizes the need for proper treatment instructions and psychosocial support of the parents by healthcare professionals.

TidsskriftDermatologic Therapy
Udgave nummer4
StatusUdgivet - 2020

ID: 251020633