Towards Precision Medicine in Psychosis: Benefits and Challenges of Multimodal Multicenter Studies-PSYSCAN: Translating Neuroimaging Findings From Research into Clinical Practice

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  • Stefania Tognin
  • Hendrika H van Hell
  • Kate Merritt
  • Inge Winter-van Rossum
  • Matthijs G Bossong
  • Matthew J Kempton
  • Gemma Modinos
  • Paolo Fusar-Poli
  • Andrea Mechelli
  • Paola Dazzan
  • Arija Maat
  • Lieuwe de Haan
  • Benedicto Crespo-Facorro
  • Glenthøj, Birte Yding
  • Stephen M Lawrie
  • Colm McDonald
  • Oliver Gruber
  • Therese van Amelsvoort
  • Celso Arango
  • Tilo Kircher
  • Barnaby Nelson
  • Silvana Galderisi
  • Rodrigo Bressan
  • Jun S Kwon
  • Mark Weiser
  • Romina Mizrahi
  • Gabriele Sachs
  • Anke Maatz
  • René Kahn
  • Phillip McGuire
  • PSYSCAN Consortium

In the last 2 decades, several neuroimaging studies investigated brain abnormalities associated with the early stages of psychosis in the hope that these could aid the prediction of onset and clinical outcome. Despite advancements in the field, neuroimaging has yet to deliver. This is in part explained by the use of univariate analytical techniques, small samples and lack of statistical power, lack of external validation of potential biomarkers, and lack of integration of nonimaging measures (eg, genetic, clinical, cognitive data). PSYSCAN is an international, longitudinal, multicenter study on the early stages of psychosis which uses machine learning techniques to analyze imaging, clinical, cognitive, and biological data with the aim of facilitating the prediction of psychosis onset and outcome. In this article, we provide an overview of the PSYSCAN protocol and we discuss benefits and methodological challenges of large multicenter studies that employ neuroimaging measures.

TidsskriftSchizophrenia Bulletin
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)432-441
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2020

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ID: 237843737