Toward mobile Web 2.0-based business methods: Collaborative QoS-information sharing for mobile service users

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  • Wac, Katarzyna
  • Richard Bults
  • Bert Jan van Beijnum
  • Hong Chen
  • Dimitri Konstantas

Mobile service providers (MoSPs) emerge, driven by the ubiquitous availability of mobile devices and wireless communication infrastructures. MoSPs' customers satisfaction and consequently their revenues, largely depend on the quality of service (QoS) provided by wireless network providers (WNPs) available at a particular location-time to support a mobile service delivery. This chapter presents a novel method for the MoSP's QoS-assurance business process. The method incorporates a location- and time-based QoS-predictions' service, facilitating the WNP's selection. The authors explore different business cases for the service deployment. Particularly, they introduce and analyze business viability of, an enterprise that can provide the QoS-predictions service to MoSPs, Mobile Network Operators (as MoSPs), or directly to their customers (i.e. in B2B/B2C settings). provides its service based on collaborative-sharing of QoS-information by its users. The authors argue that this service can improve the MoSP's QoS-assurance process and consequently may increase its revenues, while creating revenues for

TitelMobile and Ubiquitous Commerce : Advanced E-Business Methods
Antal sider21
ForlagIGI global
Publikationsdato1 dec. 2009
ISBN (Trykt)9781605663661
StatusUdgivet - 1 dec. 2009

ID: 215472682