The Uronarti Regional Archaeological Project: Second Cataract fortresses and the Western Desert of Sudan

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  • Levine, Evan Isak
  • Miriam A.W. Rothenberg
  • Oren Siegel
  • Christian Knoblauch
  • Laurel Bestock
  • Lutz Klein

The Batn el-Hagar in Sudan has traditionally been characterised as sparsely occupied during the Middle Kingdom Period, with most activity limited to the Egyptian fortresses along the Second Cataract. A new survey programme undertaken by the Uronarti Regional Archaeological Project offers evidence for a more richly occupied landscape.

Udgave nummer372
Sider (fra-til)E35
StatusUdgivet - 2019
Eksternt udgivetJa

Bibliografisk note

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Copyright © Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2019.

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