The iMaterialist Fashion Attribute Dataset

Publikation: Working paperPreprint

  • Belongie, Serge
  • Sheng Guo
  • Weilin Huang
  • Xiao Zhang
  • Prasanna Srikhanta
  • Yin Cui
  • Yuan Li
  • Matthew R. Scott
  • Hartwig Adam
Large-scale image databases such as ImageNet have significantly advanced image classification and other visual recognition tasks. However much of these datasets are constructed only for single-label and coarse object-level classification. For real-world applications, multiple labels and fine-grained categories are often needed, yet very few such datasets exist publicly, especially those of large-scale and high quality. In this work, we contribute to the community a new dataset called iMaterialist Fashion Attribute (iFashion-Attribute) to address this problem in the fashion domain. The dataset is constructed from over one million fashion images with a label space that includes 8 groups of 228 fine-grained attributes in total. Each image is annotated by experts with multiple, high-quality fashion attributes. The result is the first known million-scale multi-label and fine-grained image dataset. We conduct extensive experiments and provide baseline results with modern deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Additionally, we demonstrate models pre-trained on iFashion-Attribute achieve superior transfer learning performance on fashion related tasks compared with pre-training from ImageNet or other fashion datasets. Data is available at: this https URL
Antal sider10
StatusAfsendt - 13 jun. 2019
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 304511757