The gut microbiome buffers dietary adaptation in Bronze Age domesticated dogs

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  • Simone Rampelli
  • Silvia Turroni
  • Florencia Debandi
  • Alberdi Estibaritz, Antton
  • Stephanie L. Schnorr
  • Courtney A. Hofman
  • Alberto Taddia
  • Riccardo Helg
  • Elena Biagi
  • Patrizia Brigidi
  • Federica D'Amico
  • Maurizio Cattani
  • Marco Candela

In an attempt to explore the role of the gut microbiome during recent canine evolutionary history, we sequenced the metagenome of 13 canine coprolites dated ca. 3,600–3,450 years ago from the Bronze Age archaeological site of Solarolo (Italy), which housed a complex farming community. The microbiome structure of Solarolo dogs revealed continuity with that of modern dogs, but it also shared some features with the wild wolf microbiome, as a kind of transitional state between them. The dietary niche, as also inferred from the microbiome composition, was omnivorous, with evidence of consumption of starchy agricultural foods. Of interest, the Solarolo dog microbiome was particularly enriched in sequences encoding alpha-amylases and complemented a low copy number of the host amylase gene. These findings suggest that Neolithic dogs could have responded to the transition to a starch-rich diet by expanding microbial functionalities devoted to starch catabolism, thus compensating for delayed host response.

Udgave nummer8
Antal sider20
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We thank Prof. Tom Gilbert (Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics, GLOBE Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark) for his valuable help in discussing the results and Dr. Valentina Indio (Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy) for the technical support in sequencing. M. Candela, S.T. S.R. R.H. and M. Cattani conceptualized the study. F.D. and M. Cattani performed the field work, excavation, and sampling. S.L.S. and C.A.H. performed DNA extraction and library preparation. A.T. F.D.A. and S.T. performed sequencing. S.R. carried out bioinformatics and biostatistics analyses and prepared the figures. P.B. M. Candela, S.L.S. and C.A.H. secured funding. M. Candela, S.T. and S.R. wrote the original draft. A.A. M. Cattani, F.D. R.H. E.B. C.A.H. and S.L.S. performed the review and editing of the original draft. The authors declare no competing interests.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 The Authors

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