The Green and Circular Policy Making Process – Trends and Perspectives from Key Stakeholders in the Global South

Publikation: KonferencebidragPaperForskningfagfællebedømt


While most green policy papers analyze policy impacts, this paper highlights trends and perspectives of the process of green policymaking focusing on the Global South. The paper applies an evolutionary economic theoretical perspective in seeking to investigate changes in the institutional conditions for global greening over time and space. The paper brings the results of a survey undertaking in 2020-2023 among key green policymakers and influential stakeholders from the Global South, all working professionally on or having a strong influence on green policymaking and green governance. The paper seeks to trace the main green policy learnings and key recent tendencies and perspectives from these 86 experts and practitioners from nine different Global South countries. Main findings are that the green policy agenda is quite recent compared to Global North countries, but it is sharply on the rise. Environmental targets are highly prioritized even compared to economic priorities. Circular economy perspectives are on the rise but generally represent a novel agenda policy wise. Global South green policy making is generally self-assessed to be less impactful and effective than in the high-income countries and the weaknesses in implementation are particularly pointed to in our survey. The challenges to effective green policymaking are perceived as considerable. Overall, green policy making in the Global South still has distinct features reflecting the short time span of policy learning and green societal transformation.
Antal sider27
StatusUdgivet - 2023
BegivenhedGlobelics International Conference 2023: Innovation-Driven Knowledge-Economies and Transformation in the Global South - Gulati Institute of Finance and Taxation, Thiruvananthapuram, Indien
Varighed: 11 okt. 202314 okt. 2023


KonferenceGlobelics International Conference 2023
LokationGulati Institute of Finance and Taxation

ID: 380157946