The EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound - Part II: Joint Pathologies, Pediatric Applications, and Guided Procedures

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  • Esperanza Naredo
  • Sebastian C. Rodriguez-Garcia
  • Carlo Martinoli
  • Andrea Klauser
  • Wolfgang Hartung
  • Hilde B. Hammer
  • Vito Cantisani
  • Federico Zaottini
  • Violeta Vlad
  • Jacqueline Uson
  • Plamen Todorov
  • Christian Tesch
  • Iwona Sudol-Szopinska
  • Paolo Simoni
  • Oana Serban
  • Luca Maria Sconfienza
  • Xavier Sala-Blanch
  • Athena Plagou
  • Riccardo Picasso
  • Levent Ozcakar
  • Aurelie Najm
  • Ingrid Moller
  • Mihaela Micu
  • Dolores Mendoza-Cembranos
  • Peter Mandl
  • Clara Malattia
  • Manuela Lenghel
  • Jens Kessler
  • Gabriella Iohom
  • Javier de la Fuente
  • Maria Antonietta D'Agostino
  • Paz Collado
  • Angel Bueno
  • David Bong
  • Fernando Alfageme
  • Diana Bilous
  • Roxana Gutiu
  • Anamaria Marian
  • Michael Pelea
  • Daniela Fodor

The second part of the Guidelines and Recommendations for Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (MSUS), produced under the auspices of EFSUMB, following the same methodology as for Part 1, provides information and recommendations on the use of this imaging modality for joint pathology, pediatric applications, and musculoskeletal ultrasound-guided procedures. Clinical application, practical points, limitations, and artifacts are described and discussed for every joint or procedure. The document is intended to guide clinical users in their daily practice.

TidsskriftUltraschall in der Medizin
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)252-273
StatusUdgivet - 2022

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