The effect of handedness on electromyographic activity of human shoulder muscles during movement.

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  • Louise Pyndt Diederichsen
  • Jesper Nørregaard
  • Poul Dyhre-Poulsen
  • Annika Winther
  • Goran Tufekovic
  • Bandholm, Thomas Quaade
  • Lars Raundal Rasmussen
  • Michael Krogsgaard
The aim of the study was to investigate whether there was a difference in the electromyographic (EMG) activity of human shoulder muscles between the dominant and nondominant side during movement and to explore whether a possible side-difference depends on the specific task. We compared the EMG activity with surface and intramuscular electrodes in eight muscles of both shoulders in 20 healthy subjects whose hand preference was evaluated using a standard questionnaire. EMG signals were recorded during abduction and external rotation. During abduction, the normalized EMG activity was significantly smaller on the dominant side compared to the nondominant side for all the muscles except for infraspinatus and lower trapezius (P
Udgivelsesdato: 2007-Aug
TidsskriftJournal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)410-9
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2006

ID: 34194466